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Couples therapy and intimacy coaching. For couples who want a deep connection, more love and sizzling sex. 

Love, passion, trust, and connection.

Are you done with feeling lonely, disconnected and (sexually) frustrated in the relationship? Do you miss the partnership you once had?  


I'll show you how to reconnect, re-kindle the spark and create the intimacy that feels really good for both of you. Would you be interested in that?


Please reach out for a free, no strings attached exploration call for couples therapy and intimacy coaching?






Who is couples therapy and intimacy coaching for?

Common reasons for working with me are: 

​Better communication and less arguments.

You come home after a long day at work. All you want is some peace and quiet. Within 5 minutes, you and your partner are having a fight again. This could be about anything; the upbringing of the children, money, the household chores, the in-laws, etc. This is happening more and more often, and you are both so tired of it. You want to finally break this pattern of poor communication and recurring arguments.  


No more intimacy and/or sex.

When you just met, you couldn't keep your hands off each other. After a few months it became less but nothing to worry about. However, today you can't remember the last time you made love. That was months or maybe even years ago. Apart from a kiss on the cheek, there is no intimacy left in the relationship. If you go to bed at the same time, which doesn't happen often, no initiative has been taken for a long time. The person who often took the initiative in the past has given up after too many rejections. Now, he/she feels angry, frustrated and desperate because of the lack of sex and intimacy and sometimes even wonders whether the other person still loves him/her. Meanwhile, the other partner mainly wonders where his/her libido has gone. Why he/she never feels aroused anymore. He/she feels guilty and fears for the future of the relationship. Because you do love each other, you stay together. Perhaps the fact that you have kids also plays a role. But you are not happy in the relationship. Without intimacy, the relationship feels empty and lonely. You both long to feel that intimate connection from the start again. But how? The gap simply feels too big to bridge.


Emotional or sexual infidelity.

One of you has cheated and thereby violated the trust of the other partner. There are questions such as: Why did my partner cheat? Was this the first time? The partner that cheated may wonder why this happened. The foundation of trust, safety and security you had in the relationship is gone. What remains are feelings of sadness, guilt, shame, powerlessness and defeat. Does this mean the end of the relationship? Or is there a way to deal with this together? 


The sex is fine but could be more exciting. 

Your sex life has been the same and fairly predictable for years. You know exactly what your partner likes and what you like. There is still regular sex, and the sex is ok, if not a bit boring. You are always left with the feeling that there should be more, right? Couldn't it be more pleasurable and exciting? More adventurous? And if yes, how? Do you have to open the relationship up to third parties? Experiment with toys? Explore with sexuality based on Tantra? Sex parties? You and your partner want to go on an adventure but have no idea how to start.


Staying connected during stress, pain and illness.

When you suffer from illness, severe stress or pain, (physical) intimacy is often the last thing you desire. At times you feel terribly guilty, especially if it takes a long time, but it feels like there's nothing you can do about it. Meanwhile, your partner feels increasingly lonely. He/she is over-burdened, is missing intimacy and feels that he/she has to put his/her own needs aside. Talking about it at all only results in frustration and a sense of powerlessness. You long to be able to reconnect and talk about your needs and desires, even in these challenging times.


He suffers from premature ejaculation. 

Within seconds of starting penetration, you ejaculate. Sometimes you already ejaculate before entering. You see the disappointment on the face of your partner and that makes you feel terrible. There's guilt and you wonder what is wrong with you. Ejaculating this quick isn't normal, right?! The more often this happens, the worst it seems to get. When you masturbate you often do have more control but whatever you try, you can't seem to last longer. You feel hopeless and desperate. You want to have more control over your ejaculation so you and your partner can have more pleasure.  


She experiences painful penetration.

As soon as he enters you, it hurts. Sometimes it starts ok but after a few minutes you notice the pain. Instead of expressing this, you often hope that he will orgasm as quickly as possible so that it is over, and the pain stops. Sometimes you even fake an orgasm because you know it will make him come faster. You feel broken and alone. You don't want to tell him it hurts for fear of hurting his feelings. You tell yourself that it's not so bad. After all, it's only once a week (or less, if you manage to avoid it for longer). Besides, sex (and especially penetration) is part of a good relationship, right?  Yet, you notice that you are getting less and less in the mood for sex and that you are increasingly avoiding it. Is there a way to find pleasure in sex again? It feels very far away. 


There are other relationship problems than those mentioned above.

In that case you are also very welcome for a free exploration call where we discuss whether or not I am the right person to support your relationship.    


Would you like to know how I can help you to improve your relationship? 

'Before I met Rosa, my partner and I were struggling with sexual intimacy. He always had a higher sex drive than me and it got to the point where we were doubting our compatibility. working with Rosa has given us the perspective and tools to navigate this painful dynamic and put an end to it. Now we are both happy and satisfied with our sex life', Diana C.

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Love Vouchers

The result of couples therapy and intimacy coaching?

At the end of our time together you will: 


Both understand: 

  • The feelings, behaviours and triggers underneath your arguments and how to deal with them.  

  • What part you play in the relationship dynamics. Both positive and negative. 

  • How to create safety and mutual understanding.  


Both have learned: 

  • How to connect and communicate about the things you want and don't want.   

  • How to have calmer conflicts and how to repair after conflicts.   

  • How to have physical intimacy that feels truly satisfying for both of you. 


Experience together: 

  • A deep sense of connection. You will both feel seen, heard and understood.   

  • More relaxation, trust and joy. Resolving your relationship problems gave the relationship a real boost. 

  • Physical intimacy and lovemaking in a way that is new and mind-blowing for both of you.  


Are you ready to transform your relationship for good? 

'Rosa helped us to reconnect. We were in a very dark place and constantly fighting. Her counselling and care saved our marriage. We feel more together and we are actually having better sex then when we met. Our life has completely changed for the better after working with Rosa'. Gena&Alex, germany

The elements that might be included in couples therapy and intimacy coaching for couples, always tailor-made to your specific needs. 

What is going on?

We asses what is going on in the relationship. How would you like to feel in the relationship? What Is the dynamic in the relationship and what role do you both play in these dynamics? What thoughts, feelings and beliefs are behind your behaviour in the relationship?  

Connect and communicate

With powerful, practical, and transformative exercises, I teach you how to connect to yourself and each other and how to communicate  your desires, needs and boundaries from this place of connection.



Looking back to go forward

Sometimes, we need to heal (traumatic) events from the past before we can move on. By doing this together, you will grow even closer together. If needed, this is also the moment in the process to forgive yourself and/or your partner.  



Create lasting love 

After you are able to connect deeply, communicate from a place of connection and break patterns that were not helping the relationship, you are ready to build the relationship you always longed for. You are making a vision for the relationship and I will teach you how to live that vision. 



Once a deep sense of safety and connection is established, we also include sexual intimacy in our sessions. With home assignments, so you can play and experiment in the privacy of your own home, you learn new tools and techniques. These are based on the latest Western science and eastern knowledge (Tao & Tantra).    


Lasting love

The tailor-made practices, audios, and exercises that are part of the sessions, you can use for life. Once you know how to connect deeply, how to communicate better and how to love and make love, you will never want for anything else. You will be excited to be with each other, experience butterflies again and feel feel like true lovers and partners.



€ 925,-*

A good start

5 sessions

  • 5 sessions of 75-90 minutes per session.

  • €50 discount if you pay in one go. 

  • Duration: between 5 and 10 weeks. 

  • Tailor made exercises in between the sessions. 




Going deeper

approx. 3 months

  • 9 Couples sessions of 75-90 minutes per session. 

  • 4 individual sessions of 60-75 min.

  • €75 discount if you pay in one go.

  • Tailor-made exercises in between the sessions. 

  • Plus: 2 ''SOS-sessions'' of 30 minutes and Whatsapp support in between the sessions.

€ 2250,-*

Relationship intensive

  • from 4 hours to 5 days

  • A private retreat to do a deepdive into a certain topic. E.g. forgiveness after infidelity, improving sexuality etc.  

  • These intensive are tailor-made for your relationship needs





from €750,-*

* Voor particulieren is dit bedrag inclusief BTW.


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